Command window is designed for writing or reading variables. The available commands are found by typing 'help' command. All commands are executed by enter-key input.
Update the block. If you select the block of commands by dragging mouse and then press this button, the commands which belong to the block are updated. If no block selected, the current line is updated. You can do it by clicking right button of mouse.
Run the block. If you select the block of commands by dragging mouse and then press this button, the commands which belong to the block are executed. If no block selected, the current line is executed.
Insert new line without running command. When you press enter key, the corresponding line is running as command. If you use this tool button, new line is inserted without running command. Same as 'Ctrl-Enter' key press.
Read command file. Copy the file to the command window. No execution. You can also type 'r filename' in the command window.
Load command file. command file is the set of commands. Frequently used commands can be saved into command file and then use this function. You can also type 'l filename' in the command window.
Save the block of lines to file. Save the selected block of commands as a file. Afterwards, you load this file by 'l' commands.
* Commands :
1: The number of character in one command line should not exceed 300
2: all commands should be small-character
Decimal system
dec var
decimal display (default)
hex var
hex-decimal display
bin var binary display
Assign and Displayvar = display the value of var &var = display the address of var *var = In case var is pointer to basic type,
display the value of variable pointed by pointer var
note) not supported for Arm MCU(*var).x = In case var is pointer to struct/union type,
display the value of variable x pointed by pointer var
note) not supported for Arm MCUvar = number assign value to var
0x***(hex-decimal) form is supported
If var is float type, following dimension form is supported
3e-3, 23K, 23m, 0.34p
For dimension usage, refer to 'watch window'var1 = &var2 assign the address of var2 into var1
var1 should be int type or unsigned int typevar = 'character' In case var is either char or unsigned char type, printable character can be assgined such as 'A'. To display its value also with printable character, please check the option 'Display printable character ...' optino in the 'miscellaneous' tab in the project setting. var = <exp> assign the result of exp into var
Example of expression:
<e^pi-pi^e>, <1/ln(x)/x>, <exp(-1/pow(x/100,2))>*var = number or <exp> In case var is pointer to basic type variable, assign number or expression to the variable pointed by pointer var
note) not supported for Arm MCU(*var).x = number or <exp> In case var is pointer to struct or union variable, assign number or expression to the variable x pointed by pointer var
note) not supported for Arm MCUvar = numberQn
ex. aa = 3.3Q15Q-format assignment.
n at Qn is from 1 to 15 in case var is 16bit integer.
n at Qn is from 1 to 31 in case var is 32bit integer.
number could be float.var = numberQ
ex. aa = 3.3QIf you set default Q number to var, then you can omit to describe it. For example, if var has default Q number 12, then var=3.14Q has the same effect as var=3.14Q12. var = <exp>Qn
var = <exp>Qexpression in <> is automatically calculated and then processed as in number
Othersclear clear all command window context // one line comment help list all commands l file load command file (default extension = cmd). That is, execute the contexts of command file by line-to-line. r file read command file. Copy the file to the command window. No execution. skip During executing command file, the commands after 'skip' command are ignored.
Dimension format (ex, 2.3m, 400p) is for writing/reading float type variables.
Q format (ex, 3.14Q15) is for writing/reading integer type variables and is available only for 2x MCU series.
You can set their default configuration for each variables only in 'Watch' window. For more details, please refer to the 'Watch' window section in this help.